This Winkler Scraps

An ordinary gal scrapping ordinary pages about an extraordinary God

Yankari October 28, 2010

Filed under: Family,Life in Nigeria,Nibbles Skribbles — Christie @ 7:37 pm

Chris’ parents came to visit and stayed for almost a month — and the fact that they came in September and I actually finished a page from their visit is quite the feat since I’m lagging quite far behind in pages I want to get done.  🙂 

Page made from "Mister" kit, a collab between Nibbles Skribbles and Mad Genius Designs. Template from Simply Yin.

It’s actually a two page spread — mainly because I, of course, had to get all that journaling in!  😉  (Don’t worry Cynthia — I have some special pages I’m going to post soon just for you!)  If you want to see the pages bigger, just click on the image.  You can also go to our family blog to read all the gory details of the trip.  🙂

The kit I used for the pages is Mister, a collab between Nibbles Skribbles and Mad Genius Designs.  As you can probably deduce from the name, it’s a more masculine kit — no pinks and purples in this one  😉  — but I thought the colors were also quite suited for a more nature-y page. 

All kinds of papers - worn, torn, cardstock, pattern - and elements, plus a cool alpha, that you can get with this kit. The various components can be purchased separately or as a bundle at DigiScraps Drive In.

I’m working on a Part 2 for our trip to Yankari using this kit, only the next page will involve baboons.  Good times.  🙂


Practically Journal-less (With an Invite to Journal!)

Filed under: Family,Judah,Nibbles Skribbles — Christie @ 7:46 am

Just for Cynthia, some pages with hardly any journaling.  😉 

Kit: Year to Shine, Summertime Designs

And some wedding ones:

Template: Scrapping with Liz

One of my favorites. I did this for a Speed Scrap and didn't think I'd like it because I rarely like to use one photo -- feels a little like a waste of space to me -- but once I finished it, I found that I rather like it. Kit is Year to Shine, Summertime Designs.

My most recent wedding page - which roughly translates into "only other one." Yes, that's right -- my wedding album has THREE pages in it. Kit is Mr. and Mrs. by Nibbles Skribbles.

The kit I used for the last page is Mr. and Mrs. by Nibbles Skribbles —

Mr. and Mrs. wedding kit. I like the simple designs in this one. I think too many wedding kits are overdone, no offense, and this kit allows you to highlight the pictures and story.

The other cool thing about this kit is that she actually designed some other wedding kits in different colors, so it’s pretty easy to find one to fit your wedding colors — Mr. and Mrs. in the Spring, for example.  Clever, huh?  🙂   

So anyway — these are a few of the (very few) pages I have that don’t have much journaling.  I rarely do not journal, though — I think it has to be a pretty good picture that can stand on its own, or maybe one in a series (like the wedding ones).  But why do I journal so much, anyway?  Here are a couple reasons:

  1. I’m an English major.  There’s no escaping it.  😉
  2. I’m a storyteller.  No escaping that, either.
  3. …But actually, I believe everyone has a story to tell, and if you don’t tell it, who will!?  Sure, it may seem like a boring story at first glance, but it’s YOURS. 
  4. I don’t trust myself to remember the details of yesterday, much less those that happened years ago.  Writing them down helps me remember, and often I can look back at those details and smile or laugh, or, in some cases, cry.
  5. How often have I looked at pictures of my ancestors or loved ones and wanted to know more — more about them, more about the story behind the photo?  Journaling helps.  Often I look at pages in galleries, and I wonder what else is going on in that picture — what are the details?  How were they feeling?  Sure, a name and a date gives some details, but it doesn’t give the STORY.  (Although, incidentally, don’t forget to include names and dates!  Though it’s obvious to me now that, well, of course that’s Judah in the picture, what about 10 years from now?  Will I remember that?  My friend’s mom didn’t label many pictures — probably figuring it was obvious which baby was which — and years down the road, they’re not sure whose baby pictures are whose anymore.

So those are some reasons I think journaling is Kind of a Big Deal.  A couple people have commented on all the journaling I do — some negative, some positive, some just wondering — so I’m thinking of doing some journaling tips and challenges.  Wanna play?  🙂  If I could lure you in with prizes, I would, but I got nothin’.  But hey, you’re all about intrinsic motivation anyway, right?!

…But for now — journal.  Just try it.  Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, etc. — just get your story out!  Because if you don’t, who will!?


Bath time! October 18, 2010

Filed under: Judah,Nibbles Skribbles — Christie @ 8:22 pm

I have been looking for a cool bath kit since my hard drive crashed and I lost the one I had, and I FINALLY found it in this great collab between Nibbles Skribbles and Flower Scraps called Bubble Bath Buddies.  Oh my goodness – I love it… the cool papers, the fun elements (and you probably can tell by some of my layouts that I tend to be rather frugal with the elements, preferring papers and journaling.  With this kit, though, I went element happy!).  There’s even a great add-on to the kit with this ultra cool bubbles alpha.  Chris actually looked up while I was working on a page using this kit and said, “Ooh, those papers are really cool.”  The papers in the add-on kit look so “real” it seriously seems like you could reach out and touch them and feel the texture.  I am totally digging this kit. 

Sometimes I just open the preview and stare at it.

...And the cool add-on

You can get the kit and add-on at ScrapAble or Digital Scrapbooking Studio.  (Links are for the main kit.  Just do a search for the add-on.)

...And here's a page I made with the kit.

I used a template by Charm City Scraps for this as part of a template challenge at Stuff to Scrap.  If you haven’t checked out any of the challenges at STS, you totally should go here and see what it’s all about.  You can even earn points for doing the challenges that can be used to get kits from their store.  I really enjoy the challenges — it helps me scrap pages more quickly than I would have otherwise, and it gets me to try new skills and styles outside my comfort zone.  Highly recommend jumping on board.  (By the way, Mom, I tried to make the page bigger for you, and it actually worked — but a little TOO well!  It made it gigantic, so if you just click on the image, it should bring up a bigger picture of it.) 

In other news, I was really excited and flattered to learn that the layout I did with Nibbles Skribbles’ fun From Apple to Zebra kit, B is for Book, was chosen as layout of the day at ScrapAble!  Did I mention that I was pretty excited?!   🙂


Some Options for Printing Digital Scrapbooking Pages October 16, 2010

Filed under: Printing your pages — Christie @ 12:20 pm

I’ve printed pages out as gifts for people, but I haven’t really printed any for us.  I’m pretty excited to get home, though, and be able to send some pages off to be printed.  Judah and I love to pull up the completed pages on the computer and look at them, and I think it will be even more enjoyable to be able to physically flip through an album or book and look at them.  Of course, there are differences than with paper scrapbooking; there’s something about the feel of paper and the different textures, but seriously, I averaged about three paper pages a year, so it’s not like I had too many pages to feel anyway.

I know some people who print pages at home, but to me, it’s not really worth the ink that it takes.  I think the quality is better when you print elsewhere as well, and places that are actually photo labs tend to have prints that last longer, don’t run, etc.  On the other hand, I’ve seen photos that are printed at home, and after awhile, the color tends to fade.  But that’s just my humble opinion.

 So then the options become:

  • Print as a book
  • Print individual pages and put them in your own scrapbook
  • Of course, there’s always the option of doing other fun things with them, too, like printing pages as calendars.

Size:  Eek.  I typically create pages in 12×12, but I must say that this is a point of conflict for me as well.  The albums are huge, and they can be somewhat awkward to have conveniently lying around for people to pick up and peruse through.  I really like the square look, but 8×8 feels too small. Why has no one come up with 10×10 albums that are easy to find?  That’d be a great size!  I suppose I should go with 8.5×11 or something more practical, but oh the square!  You can, of course, print in any size you want, but album sizes are easier to find in these sizes: 4×6, 5×7, 8×8, 8×10, 8×11.5 and 12×12.

Printing things in 4×6 is also great because you can print them off like a regular photo for cheap!  Sometimes I make little 4×6 greeting cards that I can quickly e-mail to the grandparents and that can be easily – and did I mention cheaply?! – printed at Walgreens or any local photo lab.  This also works really well for invitations, thank you cards and announcements (and they’re easy to mail).  If you want a look that’s a little fancier, you can mount them on a solid piece of cardstock. 

A card I e-mailed to my dad for Father's Day

A get well card for Chris's parents before they came to visit us (using Love Dr. kit by Designs by Colie's Corner)

Printing individual pages: A lot of people send their pages off to be printed and bound in a book, but I tend to prefer printing individual pages and then slipping them into albums with protective sheets.  I like the flexibility of being able to say, “AH!  I forgot to do a page about this!” or “I think I’ll slip this page in between these two.”  Other people like to store regular photos next to scrapbook pages in an album by inserting 4×6 refill pages (usually holds 12 or so photos) into their scrapbook albums.

Here are some places out there in Cyber Land that print pages (Click on the link for a PDF comparison chart of some printing services.).  I made the info that I’ve found into a chart because I find it much easier to see side-by-side comparisons on things.  I have only had personal experience with a handful of these companies (Other info has been accumulated from various scrapbooking sites and forums.), so take this for what it’s worth.  I know there are other companies, but these tend to be ones that are more cost efficient and good quality.  I know, too, that these prices are very subject to change, but as of today, this was the most recent info I could find. 

Money saving tip:  Note as well that often these places will run specials – reduced prices, free shipping, etc. – and often the best way to find out about these is to sign up for their newsletters.  Often I will just do an internet search for special deals on various sites, too.

Printing books:  …Of course there is something to be said for a cool, bound book.  Maybe I’ll do some in the future, especially for special occasions (Hmm.  A significant birthday filled with letters, advice and pictures from others as a gift, maybe, or an ABC book for Judah.).  I did make small wedding albums at MyPublisher for our parents as gifts, and those turned out pretty nice.

There are a plethora of other book printing options.  Many of the places that print single pages, for instance, also print books.


  • Lulu ( – For printing calendars or books.  I printed an 11×8.5 calendar as a gift, and I was quite pleased with how it turned out.   You also have the option of adding images to individual calendar days (like a picture of Mom on Mom’s birthday).  The color on some of the pages did look a little off, but honestly, I’m not sure if that error is because of my own computer/ screen or if it was a Lulu error.  Still, a pretty good deal – about $13 plus shipping for a standard calendar, plus shipping.  Often, though, they have discounts for shipping or products (Just search the internet for codes.  Sometimes they have codes right on the site, too.).  The calendar didn’t take too long to ship at all – maybe a week after ordering at most.  I suspect that would increase during the holidays, however.
  • Viovio ( also prints calendars, and their prices looked pretty decent.  I might give them a try one of these days since their prices were comparable to Lulu.  For now, though, I’m pretty impressed with Lulu and will probably stick with them.

 So there you have it.  A brief, not at all comprehensive overview of some of the many printing options available.


“B” is for Book (and “S” is for Sale!) October 15, 2010

Filed under: Judah,Nibbles Skribbles — Christie @ 7:55 pm

I got the chance to play with this really fun — and huge!!! — kit from Nibbles Skribbles called From Apple to Zebra.  (By the way, you should totally go check out her blog, as she has a fun freebie to go with this kit today!)  I’m digging the bright colors and the fun ABC elements (especially the flair buttons). 

Here’s a page that I made with the kit.

I'm rather digging this page, too.... 🙂

…And here’s the kit.  If you head over to Digital Scrapbooking Studio, this kit is being featured as the deal of the day, so you can get it for only $1.40 (Alas, it’s just until Saturday, though.).  There are also some really cool add-ons for the kit, like solid papers (bright and fun), alphabet paper pack (like the B background paper I used on my page), different A-Z elements and printables (My fave is the flashcards.  What fun!  I’m thinking of reducing the size to 4×6 so I can print them at Walgreens or any ol’ photo lab.  How fun would those be to work on the alphabet with Judah!?).

The kit

...And the whole sha-bang!

The little flair buttons. Just because I think they're cute.

I think these are rather cute, too.

In addition to being able to get the basic kit on sale, you can also get a 20% discount on any of the other stuff in the collection. Use code NS_AtoZ when you checkout.

I’m thinking of making an ABC book for Judah.  We’ll see if my thoughts are followed by actions, but for now I’m just content to sit and gaze at the cute little ABC elements in this kit.  😉


In Loving Memory October 11, 2010

Filed under: Family,Nibbles Skribbles,Uncategorized — Christie @ 12:05 am

I have been wanting to gather pictures of my uncle for our family album, both to have pictures to look back on, but largely, too, because I want Judah to know who Uncle Steve was.  It was more difficult than I thought it would be to scrap these photos, but it was also good — though bittersweet — to walk down memory lane.

The second layout is a two page spread, so it’s a bit small to read.  You can click on either image to make it bigger, though.  Also, the text for the second one is from a blog post I did in December, which you can read here if you want.  I modified a template from Wendyzine Scraps for the two page spread, and I used a kit called In Loving Memory from Nibbles Skribbles for both pages.  I especially like a lot of the papers: I think they’re subtle, not too… flashy, for lack of a better word.


A Letter to Judah October 10, 2010

Filed under: Judah,Nibbles Skribbles,Uncategorized — Christie @ 5:21 pm

I am constantly amazed by how fast Judah is growing and learning – and by how fast the time flies. 

It's going too fast....

I made this page using Picking Perfect Pumpkins kit by Nibbles Skribbles, a lovely fall kit.  I really like the bright colors – and I was able to use it, despite the fact that neither Florida nor Nigeria is exactly the Autumn Capital of the World.  😉  I don’t say this often, but I rather like how this page turned out.  I love to be able to record not just photographic memories with scrapbooking but to be able to write things that I know I will all too soon forget — like Judah tugging my hand and pulling me into another room to so proudly show me his dinosaur window display.  (I think he might have a future in window decorating.  😉  )

Here’s a look at the full kit in all its autumn glory.

Picking Perfect Pumpkins

There's even an add-on with it....

Not to mention some cardstock. I really like the bright colors and the "texture."

I think my next page with this kit will be a Thanksgiving-y one.  We have THAT in Florida, anyway.   🙂


Flashback to Halloweens of Yore October 3, 2010

Filed under: Childhood,Nibbles Skribbles — Christie @ 11:27 pm

I actually made a page that didn’t center around Judah.  🙂  I’m attempting to make an album/ book of my life, so this was a page I made about the days long ago when my mom would make our Halloween costumes.   Fun memories! 

I used a kit called Little Monsters from Nibbles Skribbles, which is available here this month at Digi Scraps Drive-In Diner.  Isn’t it fun?  🙂  (Know what’s also fun?  That I get to be a Guest Creative Team member for Nibbles Skribbles this month, which basically means I get to make things all month with her kits!!  How cool is that?!  I could use a little inspiration, and I think her lovely variety of kits will kickstart me.)

In case you want to see the full kit, here’s a little peek at it. 

Now I better get to bed before I turn into a little monster myself in the morning.  :/


Another Blog in the World

Filed under: Uncategorized — Christie @ 5:54 pm

In an attempt to not clog our family blog with the scrapbooking layouts that I’ve been wanting to post, and thus also spare those who don’t want to be bombarded with pictures of Judah sitting on the toilet, I decided to create a blog dedicated to the scrapbooking pages I make.  And dedicated to my best friend, of course, scrapbooking fanatic that she is.  😉  (Ha ha ha – just kidding, Tam.)

I know, just what the internet needs, right?  Another scrapbooking blog.  Still, I hope you’ll stop by every now and then and check out some of the pages and other things going on in the scrapbooking world (or at least my scrapbooking world).